We don’t have to change at all

Wow, you guys are eight. Not just one eight but double 8s – that’s double happiness or lucky in Chinese culture. And that is true, we are lucky. You are both so happy and healthy – and most of all you are both very sweet and funny. You may be twins because you were born at the same time but to us, you have always been two individual, special boys with your own personalities, loves and dreams. I feel like this age is a big milestone for you and us (as parents). We’ve gotten through many years, the initial ones being in a fog, as parents to three littles, all the feedings, the multiple wake-ups in the night, endless diaper changes and the dreaded potty-training. Now, we watch you play and laugh together, building lego neighbourhoods, reading books, riding bikes, building snow forts and hearing your crazy laughs, squeaky voices and shouting (a lot of shouting) and stomping all over the house.

You have a lot of similarities, don’t get me wrong, that’s to be expected. Appearances aside, you do love a lot of the same things, laugh about and at the same things, have many of the same friends, you both love to read and write and your report cards are almost identical but at the end of the day, you are you. Xavier, you are my soft-spoken, good-hearted boy who is compassionate and easygoing. When your brother and sister won’t cooperate, you are the one who will. And you are the middle ground between your sister and brother. You are a great hugger and I love your morning hugs when you wake up before I go to work. Hayden, you’re my silly, sensitive boy who loves to laugh. You are a typical boy who loves making gross sounds and goofy faces – and you say the darndest things. You love art, nature and animals, and you care about how you treat others and how they treat you.

No one ever said having twins was easy – and every single day, I wonder if I am being a good parent. The rewards of being your mom far outweigh the challenges one faces as a parent. I know that I could not imagine our lives without you. Since you have a double 8 birthday once, I had to take some photos – of course!!! Happy birthday to my beautiful boys. We love you very much.

Margie - March 7, 2017 - 8:12 pm

Beautiful tribute to your boys, May! Much thought went into your writing and the photos are fabulous. You are indeed very lucky.

Lesley Thompson - March 7, 2017 - 9:36 pm

Beautiful photos May, of such lovely boys. Happy birthday to both of them. You have a great family.

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